• God’s Love

    I think that this video already says it all…

    Sometimes, pain or fear, or shame or whatever can make us lose sight of God’s love … and pain can especially come and break this sense of being Loved by God. I mean if God loves me as much as He says He does, then why do I have to go through so much pain…? I asked myself this question a lot until His love somehow broke through my heart.

    I don’t have all the answers … all I know is that even God had to go through the hell of pain. So, if even Jesus wasn’t spared here on earth, I understand that as long as I am still here, I will have to face these things too… He said that we would go through challenges, but …

    When you experience the revelation of God’s love for yourself it changes the way you experience pain and go through difficulties…and most importantly, Jesus carries the load with me; I am not alone. He will ALWAYS go through the fires and the waves with us! He promises to be our strength and to hold us when we just can’t go on anymore…

    But I did have to ask God to help me understand (and still have to ask Him sometimes) to reveal His love in the midst of my pain. Deep down inside, my heart knows…

    So, if God can do this in my heart, I know He can pierce through yours as well and pour out His massive river of Love over you too and change everything. God’s love is massive, it’s wild, it’s consistent!! It’s this kind of love that’s” too good to be true”. It goes through everything with us, it surrounds us, it saves us, it comforts us … His love is indescribable!

    For God also says in the Bible (His Word) that: “ For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life. “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it!” John 3.16-17 TPT

    We often think that God is a distant and hard-hearted man, but the opposite is true. He is close, He understands, He is involved, He is NOT indifferent and He IS moving in the midst of our pain to make us Win! He is Holy, YES! But He is also our good father, if we let Him.

    When we can understand Who He is and how He actually sees us (with eyes of love), it becomes natural to trust and confide in Him.

    Trust In God

    Trust is something that is built with time and a lot of “relationship” or fellowship with God. You can’t trust if you don’t talk and get to know a person. It’s hard work, it takes time, it is tested through time and life issues and experiences. Trust becomes a strong tower you can lean on; especially when the waves start getting higher and start beating stronger. When we can trust God in the middle of the fire, circumstances and life’s trials somehow become less noisy, less intimidating and somehow distant… it's a hard feeling to explain, but it’s like mountains get leveled down…

    But there is also a great danger that can come and totally destroy trust as well and that is a sense of “betrayal” … This was, and still is sometimes, a battle for me because of reoccurring pain. So Trusting God, sometimes has to become a decision from my part…and it can be a very hard one to make.

    Yet, all in all, God works wonders in a person’s heart, and He is constantly working on my Trust in Him, helping it to get stronger whatever phase I have to go through… Trust takes a lot of fellowship/relationship and time to be built. And, in the end, Love and Trust will carry you through any diffulty you face in life!

    Keep your hopes up! God is always working for the good of those who love Him! (Romans 8.28) He promises it!

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Our Savior came to us and made all things right in Him for all eternity!

    Rejoice, your deliverer has come!

    Be blessed,



5 - Pain


7 - Fear