7 - FEAR

7 - FEAR

  • Fear

    Fear…such an evil spirit!

    It literally grabs you like claws that wrap themselves around your body, or this black-helmet filled with clouds of chaos or confusion over your brain. Or to describe it in a physical way … this thing that flushes life, peace and strength right out of your body through your legs; as if something in your gut or your feet sucks a part of yourself out of you, and you lose all your strength in 2 seconds…

    These experiences completely drain you and I personally need to go rest after experiencing them.

    I mentioned that fear would either paralyze me, or move me in incontrollable ways or even make me sick. Emotionally, fear on the long run can produce depression, discouragement, hopelessness, learned helplessness (pain can produce this too), phobias of many kinds; it can pull you away from people and relationships, and it could also produce many mental issues as well if not processed the right way, which was not my case, thank God. When it comes to behaviors, long term fear can produce a lot of toxic things like isolation (We pull away from people and from the world; We’re like stuck in our bubble), procrastination, abandonment of goals-projects-people; you try to control everything, impulsive behaviors, aggressiveness, you run away or overreact to certain situations, and in extreme cases substance consumption and compulsive and ritualistic behaviors which were not my case either, thank God.

    So, fear has to be dealt with head on.

    Usually on the spot, in the middle of a crisis, I just cry out to God and ask Him: “Help me Jesus” and take deep breaths while reminding myself of who He is and of His promises and talking with Him. This concerns anxiety attacks I often experience, especially when I’m tired. I think that these moments are trauma responses from my past and are often triggered by very specific elements …

    When it comes to long term fear, like fearing for my future and what will happen with me, I try not to postpone facing those fears by doing the things I know I must do now; to take those first steps while praying and moving on in faith. I try to go one step at a time.

    And then, when these different crises are over, I like to talk with God and ask myself these different questions like: “What is really the object of my fear?” or “where did it come from?” or “How did it happen in the past, and how did God help me through this situation?” or “what would really be the worst thing that could come from it and did it happen that way in the past? (it usually always turned out Ok even if it could have been a traumatic experience)”. Or lastly, “In whom do I place my life and security in? In who’s hands...?”.

    I think that sometimes, fear is a spirit that needs to get kicked out of us, like I spoke about in the video. But sometimes, fear and anxiety could be trauma responses or even “learned” in some ways. So, it’s important to know what the object of the fear is, what triggers it, the thoughts and emotions and behaviors/reactions that it produces. And then, confront all this to what God says about it.

    Please, in the middle of this process, give yourself some grace and be patient. Sometimes we fall back into it so…just celebrate each new day as it is a new beginning and possibility to win this battle.

    This is a long process, and I’m still in it in many ways. But today, when it tries to come back, God has equipped me to process it differently than before and I have decided to place my trust in Him and what He says when it hits. I recognize the different triggers now and the emotions and behaviors fear tries to push me to do.

    It takes time to go through this whole process, but it’s necessary to do it in order to not let fear or anxiety control our lives.

    Hang in there, friends! I think we’re all walking our roads as best as we can, and that is fantastic!!

    Keep it up!!

    I will finish this section with the main Bible verses that help me when Fear hits in. I encourage you to seek God and open that Bible… you will discover wonders and a lot of comfort and a Lot of love!

    Be blessed!


    Isaiah 41:10 TPT

    Do not yield to fear, for I am always near. Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with my strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.’

    Hebrew 13 v.5b AMP

    for He has said, “I WILL NEVER [under any circumstances] DESERT YOU [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], NOR WILL I FORSAKE or LET YOU DOWN or RELAX MY HOLD ON YOU [assuredly not]!

    Philippians 4:6-9 AMP

    Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].

    Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. The things which you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things [in daily life], and the God [who is the source] of peace and well-being will be with you.


6 - Love & Trust


8 - Faith & Hope