• Creativity and Imagination

    I am sitting on my terrasse, as I am writing you right now. The sun is warm and low and everything around me is calm… I sometimes hear a neighbor somewhere talking to another neighbor and the sense of peace and wholeness is present. These moments are just little glimpses of what Eternity with Jesus will look like and I can’t wait for that moment when all of His kids will finally taste these things forever and fully.

    I often try to imagine the moment when I will finally physically stand in front of Him and He will hold my head against Himself telling me: “ It is finished, Mel. It is finished …”.

    There’s a lot of comfort imagining these things, these specific moments. Weather it’s physical healing, my wedding, my entry into Jesus’s arms, all the things I’ll do here on earth (When this physical healing miracle finally happens!!!) and in Heaven, the people I’ll be doing these things with, all the sports I’d like to try; What it would be like having NO physical limitations, or all the shoes I’d wear and what they would look like (Yes yes yes!!), or the gorgeous heavenly dresses I dreamt about. Or why not buildings and houses I would create just by imagining them and watching them being built right in from of my eyes with an infinite resource of various materials to build them with.… And who knows, I can’t even imagine what heavenly steaks and barbecues taste like but I can’t wait for those either!

    My goodness, the list can go on forever. My capacity to dream and imagine are infinite because my God is infinite.

    I don’t want to write too much this time but I do want to make an important remark about this subject. There are good and bad imaginations. Here’s a Hint, whatever destroys, robs, lusts after, or anything that is evil is bad imagination. If it pulls you or others down into darkness, violence, hate, revenge, etc, you know that your imagination is not heading in the right direction.

    On the other hand, if what you imagine brings life, rest, peace, excitement, courage, colors, music, vision, hope… it might be the good kind of imagination =0)

    Sometimes it’s hard when we go through tough battles not to drift into our minds and stay stuck in things we wished we were living instead of having to face reality, thus remaining in a place of denial. So please, understand me when I speak about creativity and imagination. I’m not talking about denying reality or remaining in our heads because it’s better there. I’m talking about dreaming and imagining all the things God can do according to Who He is, what He promises and what He alone can accomplish.

    I personally believe in miracles and I know what my God can do! And, I’m excited to see Him blow my mind away as I continue to dream and to place my trust in Him. And as I continue to build my life according to His plans for me, I will wait and expect Him to work miracles in my everyday realities!!

    Be encouraged!


    My dear Followers, we have come to the end of Mels’stories videos for now … I am not sure when new videos will come out again but don’t hesitate to share this website with people you know who could be encouraged through my story. Don’t hesitate either to get in contact with me through the application forms and lastly, don’t hesitate to follow me on Instagram for more regular content about my life’s story!

    I’m excited to discover what’s coming next, because, be assured, this project is not done yet! It is just following God at His rhythm for the next chapter of Mel’s Stories!! ;0)

    Until then, stay tuned…


    I will leave you with these 2 bible verses that serve as a guide to our dreams, our imagination and creativity!! Let them inspire you and create a bursting new life within you!

    Be blessed and see you very soon hopefully =0)

    With love,


    Philippians 4:8-9 (TPT)

    Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. Put into practice the example of all that you have heard from me or seen in my life and the God of peace will be with you in all things.

    Ephesians 3:20-21 (TPT)

    Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen!


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